Package org.python.pydev.editor

Source Code of org.python.pydev.editor.PyAutoIndentStrategyTest

* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
* Please see the license.txt included with this distribution for details.
* Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact.
* Created on May 5, 2005
* @author Fabio Zadrozny
package org.python.pydev.editor;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
import org.python.pydev.editor.autoedit.PyAutoIndentStrategy;
import org.python.pydev.editor.autoedit.TestIndentPrefs;

import com.aptana.shared_core.utils.DocCmd;

* @author Fabio Zadrozny
public class PyAutoIndentStrategyTest extends TestCase {

    private PyAutoIndentStrategy strategy;
    private String doc;
    private DocCmd docCmd;
    private String expected;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            PyAutoIndentStrategyTest s = new PyAutoIndentStrategyTest("testt");
        } catch (Throwable e) {

     * @see TestCase#setUp()
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {

     * @see TestCase#tearDown()
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

     * Constructor for PyAutoIndentStrategyTest.
     * @param arg0
    public PyAutoIndentStrategyTest(String arg0) {
        strategy = new PyAutoIndentStrategy();

    public void testNewLineWithNewWithConstruct() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    with a:" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n        ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLineOnDocstring() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def Raise():    \n" +
                "    '''\n" +
                "" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - 1, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLineOnClass() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "\n" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    pass" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);

    public void testTab() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "        args = [ '-1', '-2',\n" +
                "                ";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testForcedTab() {
        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        String str = "class Tabs(object):\n" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\t", docCmd.text);

    public void testForcedTab2() {
        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        String str = "class Tabs(object):\n" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n\t", docCmd.text);

    public void testForcedTab3() {
        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        String str = "class Tabs(object):\n" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length(), 0, "    b=20");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\tb=20", docCmd.text);

    public void testOffsetType() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "print 'aaa'";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length() - "'aaa'".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("  ", docCmd.text);

    public void testOffsetType2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "\nprint 'aaa'"; //just to check in 2nd line (and not on the 1st -- which has different semantics)
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length() - "'aaa'".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(str), docCmd);
        assertEquals("  ", docCmd.text);

    public void testTab2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "class Foo:\n" +
                "    def m" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length() - "    def m".length(), 4, "\t");
        Document document = new Document(str);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(str, document.get()); //as we already have a selection, nothing should be deleted

    public void testTab3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4));
        String str = "\tprint 'foo'";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, "\t");
        Document document = new Document(str);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\t", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(str, document.get()); //as we already have a selection, nothing should be deleted

    public void testTab4() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class MyClass:\n" +
                "    def NextMethod(self,\n" +
                "                    c):\n" +
                "\n" + //-3 :in this line
                "\n" + //-2 :this line
                "\n" + //-1 :and this one the indent should be the same (8 spaces)
        for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
            DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(str.length() - i, 0, "\t");
            Document document = new Document(str);
            strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
            assertEquals("Error when dealing with len-" + i, "        ", docCmd.text);
            assertEquals(str, document.get());

    public void testSpaces() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\t\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("        ", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\tabc");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("    abc", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\tabc\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("    abc    ", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals(" ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLineAfterReturn() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def m1(self):\n" +
                "    return 'foo'\n" +
                "#ffo" +
                "" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "#ffo".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testIgnoreComment() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "titleEnd = ('[#')" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testIgnoreComment2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "titleEnd = ('''\n" +
                "            [#''')" + //should wrap to the start
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLineAfterOpeningParWithOtherContents() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def m1(  self,";
        //        |<-- should indent here in this case, and not on the parenthesis
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n         ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLineAfterReturn2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def m1(self):\n" +
                "    return ('foo',";

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n            ", docCmd.text);


    public void testMaintainIndent() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def moo():\n" +
                "    if not 1:\n" +
                "        print 'foo'\n" +
                "    print 'bla'" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "print 'bla'".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);


    public void testMaintainIndent2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def moo():\n" +
                "    if not 1:\n" +
                "        print 'foo'\n" +
                "    print 'bla'" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength() - "  print 'bla'".length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n  ", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(offset + 2, docCmd.caretOffset);


    public void testDontChangeCursorOffset() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def moo():\n" +
                "    if not 1:\n" +
                "        print    'foo'" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength() - "    'foo'".length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n        ", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(-1, docCmd.caretOffset); //don't change it


    public void testTabIndentToLevel() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "properties.create( \n" +
                "                  a,\n" +
                "        \n" +
                "\n" + //cursor is here
                "                  b,\n" +
                ")" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength() - "\n                  b,\n)".length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("                  ", docCmd.text);


    public void testTabIndentToLevel2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class ContaminantFont( Barrier, ModelBase ):\n" +
                "    '''\n"
                "    This class contains information to edit a contaminant.\n" +
                "    '''\n"
                "    properties.create( \n" +
                "                          \n"
                "                          #defines where is the source (in the water or in the soil)\n"
                "                          sourceLocation = SOURCE_LOCATION_WATER,\n"
                "                          \n" +
                "" + //we're here (indent to the first level)

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text);


    public void testTabIndentToLevel3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class ContaminantFont( Barrier, ModelBase ):\n" +
                "    '''\n"
                "    This class contains information to edit a contaminant.\n" +
                "    '''\n"
                "    properties.create( \n" +
                "                          \n"
                "                          #defines where is the source (in the water or in the soil)\n"
                "                          sourceLocation = SOURCE_LOCATION_WATER,\n"
                "                          \n" +
                "    " + //now that we're already in the first level, indent to the current level

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("                      ", docCmd.text);


    public void testNoAutoIndentClosingPar() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "newTuple = (\n" +
                "              what(),\n" + //the next line should be indented to this one, and not to the start of the indent
                "            )\n" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        String s = "\n" +
                "            )\n";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - s.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n              ", docCmd.text);


    public void testNoAutoIndentClosingPar2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "newTuple = (\n" +
                "              what(),\n" +
                "\n" + //pressing tab in the start of this line will bring us to the 'what()' level.
                "            )\n" +

        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        String s = "\n" +
                "            )\n";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - s.length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("              ", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLineAfterLineWithComment() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "string1 = '01234546789[#]'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLine10() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def M1(a):\n" +
                "    doFoo(a,b(),\n" +
                "          '',b)" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLine11() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def fun():\n" +
                "    if True:\n" +
                "        passif False: 'foo'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "if False: 'foo'".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLine12() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "if False:print 'done'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "print 'done'".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "for a in b:    " +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - 4, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

        String expected = "for a in b:    ";
        assertEquals(expected, doc.get());

    public void testNewLine6() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "for v in w:\n" +
                "    pass\n" + //dedent on pass
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine6a() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def getSpilledComps( *dummy ):\n" +
                "    return [self.component4]" + //dedent here
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine7() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    a = 30\n" +
                "print C.a\n" +
                "\n" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine8() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    pass\n" +
                "    a = 30\n" +
                "    " +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testIndent() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "while False:\n" +
                "    if foo:" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "if foo:".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterRet() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class Foo:\n" +
                "    def m1():\n" +
                "        for a in b:\n" +
                "            if a = 20:\n"
                "                print 'foo'\n" +
                "        return 30\n" +
                "    " +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterRet2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class Foo:\n" +
                "    def m1():\n" +
                "        for a in b:\n" +
                "            if a = 20:\n"
                "                print 'foo'\n" +
                "        return 30\n" +
                "    \n" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine9() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    try:" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n        ", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine4() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def a():\n" +
                "    print a" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "    print a".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = "" +
                "def a():\n" +
                "    print a" +
        assertEquals(expected, doc.get());
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLine5() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "def a():\n" +
                "    " +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "    ".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = "" +
                "def a():\n" +
                "    " +
        assertEquals(expected, doc.get());
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);

    public void testNewLine() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "createintervention() #create " +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testNewLine2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "err)" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n", docCmd.text);


    public void testTabInComment() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "#comment" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent


    public void testIndentingWithTab() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):\n" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("        ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    pass\n" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "        print 1\n" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("        ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testWithoutSmartIndent() {
        final TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        prefs.smartIndentAfterPar = false;
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\n        ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab4() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "        print 'a'\n" +
                "        " + //now, a 'regular' tab should happen
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("    ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab5() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "        print 'a'\n" +
                "       " + //now, only 1 space is missing to the correct indent
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals(" ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab6() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "print 'a'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "print 'a'".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("        ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent

    public void testIndentingWithTab7() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "  print 'a'" +
        String expected = "" +
                "class C:\n" +
                "    def m1(self):            \n" +
                "print 'a'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - "  print 'a'".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("        ", docCmd.text); // a single tab should go to the correct indent
        assertEquals(expected, doc.get()); // the spaces after the indent should be removed

    public void testTabs() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4));
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\t", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\t\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\t\t", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\tabc");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\tabc", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\tabc\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\tabc\t", docCmd.text);

        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "    abc"); //paste
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(""), docCmd);
        assertEquals("\tabc", docCmd.text);

    public void testCommentsIndent() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));

        doc = "class c: #some comment";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testCommentsIndent2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        //test not indent more
        doc = "    # comment:";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test indent more
        doc = "    if False:";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentLevel3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));

        String doc = "" +
                "a = (1, \n" +
                "  2,"; //should keep this indent, and not go to the opening bracket indent.
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n  ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentLevel() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));

        String doc = "" +
                "def m1(): #some comment\n" +
                "    print foo(a,\n" +
                "              b)";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentLevel2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));

        String doc = "" +
                "def m1(): #some comment\n" +
                "    def metfoo(a,\n" +
                "               b):";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testNoIndent() {
        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        prefs.smartIndentAfterPar = false;

        String doc = "" +
                "def m1(): \n";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testDedent() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));

        String doc = "def m1(): #some comment\n" +
                "    return 10";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test ending with
        doc = "def m1(): #some comment\n" +
                "    return";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test not dedenting
        doc = "def m1(): #some comment\n" +
                "    returnIs10 = 10";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testIndentSpaces() {
        //test after class xxx:\n
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "class c:";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test regular
        doc = "    a = 2";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after [ a,\n
        doc = "m = [a,";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAfterClosePar1() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "m = [a,";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAfterCloseParOnlyIndent() {
        final TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        prefs.indentToParLevel = false;
        String doc = "m = [a,";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAfterCloseParOnlyIndent2() {
        final TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        prefs.indentToParLevel = false;
        String doc = "" +
                "class A:\n" +
                "    def m1(a,";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAfterCloseParOnlyMultiIndent() {
        final TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 3);
        prefs.indentToParLevel = false;
        prefs.indentAfterParWidth = 2;
        String doc = "" +
                "__author__ = [";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "      ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAfterClosePar2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "m = [a,\n" +
                "     b,";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAfterClosePar() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "m = [a, (#comment";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "         ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAfterCloseParA() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        doc = "m = [a, otherCall(), ]";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "\n"); //right before the last ']'
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndent2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        doc = "m = [a, otherCall(), ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndent2a() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        doc = "def m2(self):\n" +
                "    m1(a, b(), )";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "\n"); //right before the last ')'
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "       ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testIndent2b() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        doc = "m = [a, otherCall(), ]";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "\n"); //right before the last ']'
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
                "     ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndent3() {

        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "properties.create(a = newClass(),";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "                  ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testIndent3a() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "properties.create(a = newClass(),\n" +
                "                  b = newClass(),"; //don't indent after the '(' in this line, but to the default one
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "                  ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndent4() { //even if it does not end with ',' we should indent in parenthesis
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "properties.create(a = newClass(),\n" +
                "                  b = newClass("; //don't indent after the '(' in this line, but to the default one
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "                               ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testDedent5() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "properties.create(a = newClass(),\n" +
                "                  b = newClass(\n"
                "                               )"; //go to the last indentation
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
                "                  ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testNoSmartIndent() {

        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        prefs.smartIndentAfterPar = false;

        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        //test after [ a,\n
        doc = "m = [a,";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after \t[ a,\n
        doc = "\tm = [a,";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after \t[ a,\n
        doc = "\tm = [a,  ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testIndentTabs() {
        //test after class xxx:\n
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4));
        String doc = "class c:";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after class xxx:  \n
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4));
        doc = "class c:  ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test regular
        doc = "\ta = 2";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after [ a,\n
        doc = "m = [a,";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after \t[ a,\n
        doc = "\tm = [a,";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //test after \t[ a,\n
        doc = "\tm = [a,  ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "\n" +
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAutoClose() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "class c(object): ";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "[");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "[]";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAutoSelf() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        testIndentPrefs.autoAddSelf = false;
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def met";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testAutoSelf1() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "" +
                "def m1():\n" +
                "    def m2():\n" +
                "        pass\n" +
                "    def m2" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAutoSelf2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "" +
                "class A:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    @staticmethod\n" +
                "    def m2():\n" +
                "        pass\n"
                "    def m2" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "(self):";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAutoCls() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    @classmethod\n" +
                "    def met";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(cls):";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testNoAutoSelf() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def met(self):\n" +
                "        def inner";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testSmartIndent() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "class SuperContainer:\n" +
                "    def SuperMethod(self):\n" +
                "        pass\n" +
                "       " +
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testNoAutoSelf2() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    @staticmethod\n" +
                "    def met";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testNoAutoSelf3() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "def testNotifyTwice(self):\n" +
                "   class Foo(Subject):\n" +
                "       pass\n" +
                "   class Foo(Foo):\n" +
                "       pass\n" +
                "\n" +
                "   pool = Pool()\n" +
                "\n" +
                "   def OnAdd" +

        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testNoAutoSelf4() {
        TestIndentPrefs testIndentPrefs = new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true);
        String doc = null;
        DocCmd docCmd = null;
        String expected = null;

        doc = "if True:\n" +
                "    def foo" +

        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

     * Tests automatically adding/replacing brackets, colons, and parentheses.
     * @see PyAutoIndentStrategy
    public void testAutoPar() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "class c";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def met";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(self):";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        //same as above, but with tabs
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "\tdef met";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(self):";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "class c(object): #";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "("; //in comment
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "def a";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "():";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "a";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "a()";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        // test very simple ':' detection
        doc = "def something():";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, ":");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(15, docCmd.offset);

        // test inputting ':' when you already have a ':', like at the end of a function declaraction
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def __init__(self):";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, ":");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(32, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // test inputting ':' at the end of a document
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def __init__(self)";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, ":");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = ":";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(31, docCmd.offset);

        // test same as above, but with a comment
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def __init__(self): # comment";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 11, 0, ":");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(32, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // test inputting ')' at the end of a document
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def __init__(self)";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = ")";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(-1, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // test inputting ')' at the end of a document when it should replace a ')'
        doc = "class c:\n" +
                "    def __init__(self)";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(31, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // test inputting ')' in the middle of the document
        doc = "def __init__(self):\n" +
                "   pass";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(17, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(18, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // check very simple braces insertion
        doc = "()";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(2, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // check simple braces insertion not at end of document
        doc = "() ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(2, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // check insertion that should happen even being just before a ')'
        doc = "(() ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(2, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = ")";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(-1, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // check same stuff for brackets
        // check simple braces insertion not at end of document
        doc = "[] ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, "]");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(2, docCmd.caretOffset);

        // two different kinds of braces next to each other
        doc = "([)";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(2, 0, "]");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "]";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(-1, docCmd.caretOffset);

    public void testParens() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "isShown() #suite()" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.getLength() - ") #suite()".length(), 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(9, docCmd.caretOffset);


    public void testParens2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "isShown() #suite()'" +
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength() - ") #suite()'".length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(offset + 1, docCmd.caretOffset);


    public void testParens3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String str = "assert_('\\\\' in txt) a()";
        final Document doc = new Document(str);
        int offset = doc.getLength() - ")".length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(offset, 0, ")");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        assertEquals("", docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(offset + 1, docCmd.caretOffset);

    public void testElse() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "    else";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "else", doc.get());

        //second part of test - should not dedent
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    else";
        initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        expected = ":";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    else", doc.get());


    public void testElse2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "" +
                "try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "except RuntimeError:\n" +
                "    a = 20\n" +
                "    else";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("" +
                "try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "except RuntimeError:\n" +
                "    a = 20\n" +
                "else", doc.get());


    public void testTryExceptDedent() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "    except";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "except", doc.get());

        //second part of test - should also dedent
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        strDoc = "try:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    except";
        initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        expected = ":";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals("try:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "except", doc.get());


    public void testElif() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "    elif";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, " ");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = " ";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "elif", doc.get());

        //second part of test - should not dedent
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    elif";
        initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, " ");
        doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    elif", doc.get());


    public void testElif2() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "" +
                "if a:\n" +
                "    try:\n" +
                "        a = 10\n" +
                "    except RuntimeError:\n"
                "        a = 29\n" +
                "    elif";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, " ");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = " ";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("" +
                "if a:\n" +
                "    try:\n" +
                "        a = 10\n" +
                "    except RuntimeError:\n"
                "        a = 29\n" +
                "elif", doc.get());

    public void testElseInFor() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "for i in []:\n" +
                "    msg=\"success at %s\" % i\n" +
                "    else" +
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("for i in []:\n" +
                "    msg=\"success at %s\" % i\n" +
                "else" +
                "", doc.get());

    public void testElseInTry() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "except:\n" +
                "    pass\n" +
                "    else";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("try:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "except:\n" +
                "    pass\n" +
                "else", doc.get());

    public void testElifWithPar() {
        //first part of test - simple case
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "    elif";
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, "(");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = "()";
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    print a\n" +
                "elif", doc.get());

        //second part of test - should not dedent
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        strDoc = "if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    elif";
        initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, "(");
        doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset);
        assertEquals("if foo:\n" +
                "    if somethingElse:" +
                "        print a\n" +
                "    elif", doc.get());


    public void testAutoImportStr2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "from ooooimport";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "import".length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAutoImportStr3() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "from oooo importFooo";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "Fooo".length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testAutoImportStr() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "from xxx";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = " import ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from xxx import";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "no from xxx";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "From xxx";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from this space";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from xxx import yyy";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(8, 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from_xxx";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from importer";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " import ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from importer";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 2, 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from myimporter";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " import ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from myimport";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " import ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "from xxx #import yyy";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(8, 0, " ");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = " import ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testStringAddition() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String doc = "";
        DocCmd docCmd;
        String expected;

        doc = "var";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "'"; //just a single one
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "''";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = ""; //just walk with the cursor
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "''";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "'"; //don't walk with the cursor and add so that the document becomes '''
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "''";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "'"; //already opened
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "'";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "#"; //on comment should not close
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "'";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "'ueuouo"; //already opened
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "'";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "'ueuouo' and "; //all is properly balanced, so, auto close it.
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "'");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "''";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "'ueuouo'"; //already opened
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, doc.length(), "'");
        Document document = new Document(doc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("''", docCmd.text);

        doc = "ueuo\nuo";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, doc.length(), "\"");
        document = new Document(doc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\"\"", docCmd.text);

        doc = "a";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, doc.length(), "\"");
        document = new Document(doc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("\"\"", docCmd.text);

        doc = "')'  ";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, doc.length(), "'");
        document = new Document(doc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(document, docCmd);
        assertEquals("''", docCmd.text);

    public void testCloseParens() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "()";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "[]";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "((()))";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(3, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "((()))";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(4, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = ",";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "()";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testNoCloseParens() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(false, 4, true));
        String doc = "test";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "[][]";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(2, 0, "[");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "[";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "(test";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = ")test";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "()test";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "())";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "())";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(1, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "(()))";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(2, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "[]][]";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(2, 0, "[");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "[";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

        doc = "\n\n)";
        docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "(");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        expected = "(";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testEncoding() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String doc = "";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(0, 0, "\t(u'�', 'EUR')");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "    (u'�', 'EUR')";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentWrong() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            pass\n" +
                "        Call(attrs)\n" +
                "\n" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentBeforeMethod() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            pass\n" +
                "        Call(attrs)\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Foo(self):";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n    def Foo(self):".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentBeforeDecorator() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            pass\n" +
                "        Call(attrs)\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    @Decorator";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n    @Decorator".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentBeforeMethodAlreadyPassed() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            a=10\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    def Foo(self):";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n    def Foo(self):".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentMatchingNextLineIfPreviousIsEmpty() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            a=10\n" +
                "\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    something:";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n    something:".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "    ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentMatchingNextLineIfPreviousIsEmpty2() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            a=10\n" +
                "\n" +
                "  \n" +
                "    something:";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n    something:".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "  ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentMatchingNextLineIfPreviousIsEmpty3() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        if a:\n"
                "            a=10\n" +
                "\n" +
                "  \n" +
                "    something:";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - " \n    something:".length(), 0, "\t");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "   ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterReturnWithContinuation() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        return \\";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n            ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterReturnWithContinuation2() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        return (";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n                ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterStringEnd() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        a = '''\n" +
                "some line\n"
                "end line'''";
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterStringEnd2() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        '''docstring'''" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentAfterStringEnd3() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "class Class:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def Method(self):\n" +
                "        '''docstring'''  " +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentParens4() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "def testIt():\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    return [0.5 * ((A / B) ** 2 + \n"
                "                   (C / D) ** 2) for E, F in G]" + //<return> before 'for'
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "for E, F in G]".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n            ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentParens5() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "def testIt():\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    return [0.5 * ((A / B) ** 2 + \n"
                "                      (C / D) ** 2) for E, F in G]" + //keep the same level, not the one of the starting parens, as we didn't change the parens level!
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - ") for E, F in G]".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n                      ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentParens6() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "def testIt():\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    return [0.5 * ((A / B) ** 2 + \n"
                "                      (C / D) ** 2" + //keep the same level, not the one of the starting parens, as we didn't change the parens level!
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n                      ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentParens7() throws Exception {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4));
        String doc = "" +
                "newTuple = (\n" +
                "              what()\n" +
                ")" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - "\n)".length(), 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n              ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testIndentParens8() throws Exception {
        TestIndentPrefs prefs = new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4);
        prefs.indentToParLevel = false;
        String doc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "def testIt():\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    a = [0.5 * ((A / B) ** 2 + \n"
                "        ( C / D) ** 2)]" +
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(doc.length() - 1, 0, "\n");
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(new Document(doc), docCmd);
        String expected = "\n        ";
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);

    public void testDedentElse() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "" +
                "if foo:\n" +
                "    for line in a:\n" +
                "        pass\n"
                "    image_area_right_area_and_quote_area = '\\n'.join(lines)\n" +
                "    else" +
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals("" +
                "if foo:\n" +
                "    for line in a:\n" +
                "        pass\n"
                "    image_area_right_area_and_quote_area = '\\n'.join(lines)\n" +
                "else" +
                "", doc.get());
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


    public void testDedentElse2() {
        strategy.setIndentPrefs(new TestIndentPrefs(true, 4, true));
        String strDoc = "" +
                "if foo:\n" +
                "    for line in a:\n" +
                "        pass\n"
                "    image_area_right_area_and_quote_area = (a,\n" +
                "b)\n" +
                "    else" +
        int initialOffset = strDoc.length();
        DocCmd docCmd = new DocCmd(initialOffset, 0, ":");
        Document doc = new Document(strDoc);
        strategy.customizeDocumentCommand(doc, docCmd);
        String expected = ":";
        assertEquals("" +
                "if foo:\n" +
                "    for line in a:\n" +
                "        pass\n"
                "    image_area_right_area_and_quote_area = (a,\n" +
                "b)\n" +
                "else" +
                "", doc.get());
        assertEquals(docCmd.offset, initialOffset - 4);
        assertEquals(expected, docCmd.text);


Related Classes of org.python.pydev.editor.PyAutoIndentStrategyTest

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